The University Hills Mall is on Fire!

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Wow, I'd forgotten all about that fire. Was Child's Bakery in that mall, or am I thinking of the old Cherry Creek Mall? Speaking of the which, one time I accidentally dropped my lunch tray at the Hummels Deli, and they yelled at me!

Yes! I purchased my wedding cake from Child's when they were in University Hills. My Dad worked at the Household Finance office there in the 70s. I recently learned that Himmel's helped with blood donations for my sister back then.


From the list of stores, there was one called Child's Pastry, so yes, that was in the mall. It had little or no damage, and was open for business as usual. And that is not a great customer service technique, yelling at a customer! Sorry that happened. And I'm glad you enjoyed the blog!

Child's pastry was in the front of the shopping center. It was owned and operated by Bob Carpenter. His daughter worked there with him, Catie Carpenter (Wigand). When he wanted to retire, he was going to give it to the kids, but neither Catie or Scott wanted it.
Their pastries and cakes were exceptional because they never used lard, insisted on butter even in their frostings......


Actually it wasn't the first five alarm fire in Denver History. That honor goes to the Denargo Market Fire (Ace Box Company). As Chief Wise said that night it was the closest fire to create a fire storm and the first 5 "bagger," as we used to call fires at one time(dates bag to the horse drawn days)

Hi James,

According to the RMN of Nov. 24th, 1983 and Ronald Jensen a dispatcher: "Since 1949, as far back as Fire Department records go, there have only been three four-alarm fires or 'four-baggers,' as firefighters call them. The most recent was the 1971 Denargo Market Fire, where thousands of empty produce boxes, building materials and vehicles were destroyed as more than 200 firefighters battled the flames". So at least by the RMN account, this was the first five alarm fire.

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