Ice Houses: How Early Denver Kept Its Cool



So much interesting historical background to our booming metropolis. Thanks Katie. Rest assured I've been eating more than my share of ice cream during our little heat wave.


Hello...Thank you for a interesting article...Love reading stores about early Denver and have wondered how they kept ice cold back in the early days...Thank you again..


This warrants a follow-up on historic Denver ice cream shops (and maybe a little taste-test research!). Thanks for this interesting reminder of how much kitchen technology has changed our lives.


This warrants a follow-up on historic Denver ice cream shops (and maybe a little taste-test research!). Thanks for this interesting reminder of how much kitchen technology has changed our lives.


Always interesting to see these peculiar windows of history that can be forgotten in the modern world of convenience.


Use. To live there in the 80s,while still a private property owned by the cooks,beautiful property till it was developed& ruined!!!

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