Remembering Denver's Fashion Bar



The video about Hannah Levy and Fashion Bar brought back so many memories. My Grandmother Pearl Swiatoviak started working in the Accounting in the 1950’s, and retired from there in the late 1960’s. My sisters and I made bows at Christmas for all the stores earring our Christmas spending money. I was the Executive Office Receptionist for Jack Levy, Bill Weil, Hannah and their Secretary Wanda Cubs. To this day in 2020, I still have the necklace Hannah gave me for Christmas in 1972. So many of us considered ourselves as the Fashion Bar Family.


I come back to read this article from time to time, and I'm always a little sad on 31 January... the last FB closed on this date.


I loved Fashion Bar!! Worked there, shopped there. Loved there chain of stores, Stage, Hannah, and many others. I never knew what happened with all the stores closing until reading this article. I was saddened to see it go just like Joslin's, May D & F, Denver Dry Goods, I never knew what caused all of these closings either. It was good while it lasted but still sad to see it go!!


I remember buying the coolest leather Jacket for around $75! I put it on layaway and made $20 a week payments


Today wearing a wool houndstooth with Fashion bar label above one interior pocket and Daniel Hechter of Paris above the other pocket. When you could get quality clothes, they could last you a lifetime as this must be More than 40 years old


Today wearing a wool houndstooth with Fashion bar label above one interior pocket and Daniel Hechter of Paris above the other pocket. When you could get quality clothes, they could last you a lifetime as this must be More than 40 years old


I seem to recall they had a store called Prescriptives (?) which had fabulous options for working women. I also remember that someone had painted the dressing rooms in the FB Stage store in Northglenn a dark apple green -- you never looked good in anything with that much acid green surrounding you! Great stores -- wish they were still with us.


My father, Louis G. Cassidy was manager at Fashion Bar in the early/mid 50's. He produced a weekly TV show called Twinkle Toes, featuring children's clothes. My sister appeared often.

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