The History of Lakeside Amusement Park in Photos



Great post, Katie! So fun that we can still go to Lakeside and look back at the features from the past, too. The photos are great. I used to love to go to Kennywood in PA when I lived in Pittsburgh-- similar history. Wish I could have gone to Coney Island in it's heyday, too. Historic amusement parks are so fascinating! I always have to visit the historic penny arcade on Pier 45 when visiting San Francisco. Thanks for highlighting our own gem!


Shame how this once great park has fallen into such dingy disrepair. Train is out. Many rides aren't staffed. The miniature golf course is a junkyard. Then there's the shell of the old Speedway. I wonder how closely it ever gets inspected anymore. Such an eyesore.


Shame how this once great park has fallen into such dingy disrepair. Train is out. Many rides aren't staffed. The miniature golf course is a junkyard. Then there's the shell of the old Speedway. I wonder how closely it ever gets inspected anymore. Such an eyesore.

I grew up here in Denver, my mother would give me $3.50 including bus fare to and from Lakeside., I would ride all of my favorite rides all day. When I get the MONIEZ I WILL BUY ,RESTORE , BUILD , IMPROVE AND REOPEN OUR BEAUTIFUL HISTORIC JEWELL. . "GOD BLESS LAKESIDE 4EVER"


How can I get your book of photos call The History of Lakeside Amusement Park in Photos, where can I buy one?

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