The History of Lakeside Amusement Park in Photos



Is the park still in operation, is it still fun to go to from a historical perspective? Thank you for all the interesting history.


Found a coin like metal token about the size of a 50 cent piece that says “Casino Theater Lakeside Denver” on one side and “Playing The Best And Latest. Musical Comedy Success” on the opposite side. Looks to be copper or brass. Found in Lascar Colorado near Rye, Colorado.


I didn't grow up here as a kid. I moved here in 1980. But I would like to know the name of some of the older rides from the 30 - 40's era. I took my kids there when they were small and they have continued the tradition. We also used to have family pick nick day at the park that included the nieces and nephews. We had a great time then.. Is lakeside now considered a historic landmark not to be torn down? I think it should be. The historic society or who ever besides Rhonda should help get it restored including the speed way.

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