Celebrity Sports Center: Bowling, video games, and your very first water slide



Thanks for a fun post. I celebrated many birthdays there and always wax on about its wonders. Oh the thrill of trying to stop yourself halfway down a slide to wait for your friend to catch up to you!

Curious if the library has any archives on Funtastic Nathan’s, another awesome spot for 1980s kids, which was located in the basement of Cinderella City... :)

Hi Kate. I seem to remember a lifeguard scolding us kids for doing that slide trick!

Ah, Funtastic Nathan's. Human hamster tunnels, anyone? A quick search shows we don't have collections specifically related to Funtastic Nathan's or Cinderella City, but we do have materials on Cinderella City in the Rocky Mountain News clippings and photographs, and in the Public Service Company Records. We also have 80+ cards on Cinderella City in the Western History Subject Index, and one referencing "Funtastic Natahan's" leaving the mall in August 1994 (the same year Celebrity closed). Looks like 1994 was a sad year for Denver kids.

Thanks so much, Laura! I will have to dig into those Cinderella City archives sometime! I was 13 years old in 1994, so I was probably transitioning from a sweet Celebrity Sports Center/Funtastic Nathan’s kiddo into an angsty soon-to-be Paris on the Platte (RIP) patron. I sure miss old school Denver. Thanks for your research!


I spent many days as child and young adult in the pool at Celebrity i also remember the slot car racing tracks in the basement and the skit ball games matter fact I still have my tickets and I'm still waiting to get enough tickets to win the black and white portable tv for bedroom. :-)

Also met my wife at Celebrity and each time I drive by home-depot I remember all the fun I had as a kid like others I mourn the lost.

Hi Ken. Thank you for reading!

I think I have some of those tickets stashed away somewhere as well. If we get a group and pool the tickets together...we will still probably fall short of that dream black and white TV!

One of the newspaper articles I encountered researching this post quoted a different couple who met at Celebrity Sports. Apparently it was a good place to meet your match! 

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