Denver's Daniels & Fisher Department Store [PHOTO GALLERY]



I've been watching the (fascinating) "Mr. Selfridge" series, and the sets in that show mirror these photographs to a T. What a wonderful glimpse into the world of Daniels and Fisher - thanks for posting this!


I live in a condo where my view is the wonderful clock! I find it so wonderful and want to get more pics of Denver of days gone by and especially the department store, since I have a couple vintage hats from Daniels & Fisher Dept Store!


I am interested in Daniels and Fisher’s window displays at Christmas . Does that information exist?

Hi Marianne,

Yes! Visit us here in the Western History and Genealogy Department (WHG) to view BOX 2 of the May-D & F records, 1895-1973 (WH222). Box 2 contains three binders with photographs and promotional materials related to window and store displays. These items have not been digitized.

Please see the following page for more detailed information about researching in WHG:

Hope to see you soon!


I'm looking for information to confirm something I've heard about one of Denver's early department stores. I read somewhere that one of the early stores...McNamara Dry Goods, Denver Dry Goods, Daniel's and Fisher? helped women in the early years survive by purchasing home produced goods to sell in their stores. Was this Daniels and Fisher? Do you know anything about this, and what these type of stores were called? I'm wanting to use this information in a college paper.

Thank you


Thanks for the info. I just scored a bunch of linens with original price tags (for my Etsy shop) that say Daniels & fisher Denver (29 cents for a linen kitchen towel!) Such a fun piece of history!


I have my dad’s blue velvet smoking jacket from daniels and fisher Denver my mom told me she bought it for dad shortly after they were married in 1941 they were staying at my moms parents house lo wells and Margaret wells where my grandfather owned a produce store named lo wells produce. Email:

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