Satanic Panic in Colorado



This blog is very interesting. I would like to use the exert from the Steamboat Pilot as a primary source but can not locate the archive of it. Where can I find it?


After living in archuleta county for 5 years. Place is wonderful until you peer behind the scenes. I wouldn’t call it satanic necessarily. Mostly lots of corruption in high spots in the community although, push a little deeper and make enemies with some of the wrong people and suddenly you start to realize the “cult” like behavior a large portion of the community exhibits while the rest are oblivious and are living their best life In a “Paradise” of a mountain town. Towards the end of my stay I definitely got to experience some of the eeriest days and nights of my life. As I made more friends I also seemed to make more enemies. Most posing as friends. Coincidences became way more common, really scary coincidences became almost daily occurrences. I don’t think it’s a satanic cult but prolly more of a Gang Bullying thing but it’s definitely pretty extreme and nobody talks about it outside the county.

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