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In reply to by Elizabeth Cook (not verified)


Thank you for reading, Elizabeth, and congratulations on your retirement! I agree: archival work is fascinating, challenging, enlightening, educating, and entertaining. Our collections have so many applications and uses, from the light-hearted to the practical, and it's a joy to learn of new ones as they arise.


I am so happy to have found your article. This is the field I would like to work on and have been trying to figure out what degree I need to get a job doing such a thing. My name for it was "researching and telling stories". You have given me hope into pursuing archival work. Thank you so much!

Penny, you are most welcome! It's a fascinating profession, for sure. You may want to investigate the Society of Rocky Mountain Archivists, and the Society of American Archivists. They have some great resources on their sites, and the SRMA conferences are generally local, very affordable, and welcoming to folks just starting their journey into the field. If you have any questions about the profession, feel free to email me at Good luck!


I am actually fascinated by the sound of this work. Thank you for taking the time to post it. Where might I get involved, is employment readily available for home-workers?

Hi Pete, thank you for reading! I agree that it’s fascinating work. We don’t currently have openings in the archives unit, but job postings for the library are posted here. You’ll note that we currently have a photo sales position open in WH&G. It is one of the rare positions that doesn’t require a MLIS degree, so if it sounds interesting, consider it. A note: we have pivoted back to working in person, so this would require onsite work.

We do have volunteers who assist with accessioning and research, but due to scheduling and COVID restrictions, we’re not currently taking new volunteers in our department. Please check back!

In the meantime, if you’re interested in learning more about the work, check out our latest series on archival work.


Hello again Pete. It just occurred to me that I forgot to mention another local project needing volunteers, that is both interesting and useful for historical researchers!

The Colorado Historic Newspapers Collection can use help correcting the OCR transcriptions for their collection of freely available historical Colorado newspapers. You'll find more info here.

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