Colorado Phone Book and Directory Index

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Working on trivia questions for a party. Old business called Broadway Auto Body. What was the address and phone number? Thank you if you can help.


I'm trying to find the telephone exchange name for Westwood in Denver in the 50s or 60s? The original number was Westwood 5-4751. We still have the original rotary dial phone and the number, but we don't know the numbers representing Westwood. It might have been WE 5 - 4751.

Thanks for any assistance


I have a pottery jug with the phone number "S34" in DenverCO. What year or time period would this be from?


I have a photo of a Wheat Ridge farmer in front of a building full of cabbages with a sign reading Eagle Packing Company. How can I find out where this business was located?


Re: my request for a location of The Eagle Packing Co.: This man farmed from at least 1890 and died in 1954. No cars or trucks are visible in the photo which would help date it. Seventeen workmen and a man in a suit pose with the farmer for the picture.

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