Understanding Denver Streets' decimal system; Or why the intersection of Broadway and Ellsworth is so important

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A correction should be made to the paragraph regarding the downtown grid: it should say "This one counts *TO* the north using Broadway and Colfax as its nexus." The block numbers increase as one moves to the north from the intersection of Broadway/Colfax.


Awesome! I do not know when or where I learned this, but I knew that! My only problem has been the expansion of the metropolitan area particularly since the 1979’s or 1980’s! As a kid I was able to name the streets and avenues east to Peoria, west to about Wadsworth, south to about Quincy and north to about 128th past the “Boulder Turnpike” now US 36 where there was a toll booth at about Wadsworth as well as a grave site for a dog who wax the “mascot” of the crew who built US 36! This history is the only history I was ever able to REALLY get into, followed by Colorado History itself!

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