Diversity Then & Now: The Ludlow Massacre and Western History



Our dear Gradmother was born in Starksville (1908) and lived the first 6 years in the Trinidad area.Miner family.
Good chance my great grandmother took her and the famiy out due to the Ludlow mass murders.
How can this be checked?

Hi Pace, thanks for your comment. The best place to start would be census records and city directories, both of which are available through Ancestry and some other online sources. DPL provides free access to these sources in any branch location. If you aren't local, please check with your library system to see if they also subscribe. 


James Fyler was my great grandfather. My great Grandmother escaped with my Grandma and her siblings. We visited the site and memorial with my Grandma in the late 70's.


Thank you for your comment Cindy. It was a sad time for our country. We're glad you were able to read this and share your family's part in this.


I’m Cindy Emericks cousin and James Fyler was my great great grandfather. I read this information on the Ludlow massacre and I cannot believe such a tragedy took place and that the Rockefeller’s were never held to account. A monument is a nice memorial but actual human beings lived with this in there memories and it affected every aspect of their lives. My family was torn apart after the massacre and my great grandmother Addis use to cry every time she talked or someone brought it up. James Fyler my relative was not only murdered that day but he was shot in the back. How cowardly. I’m very bitter with these thoughts in my head.


Hi Nicile,
First off, I appreciate the grief that this event and tragedy has caused your family. I think it is important that we always remember what happened in Ludlow. Perhaps the best thing is for you to pass onto your family what actually happened, so that it is never forgotten and the reasons why it occurred. I appreciate that you read the article and found it informative.
All the best,

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