UFOs and a Horse Called Snippy

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Interesting since this horse belonged to my aunt, Nellie. I remember she would tell my mom, Vernelle, that they would sit at their cabin at night and watch the “moving lights” in the sky all the time.


197os Sterling Colorado Logan county
Same exact thing happened to friends horse in afternoon, along with a few cattle.
Sheriffs department sent out USAF team with Geiger counters due to high levels of radiation detection. No blood, signs of struggle, tracks from perpetrators. Dead animals that weren’t coming in at sunset to feed.
Same time frame courthouse square lined sidewalks with mutilated cattle counts for the day.
USAF there for metering
Scary times, no answers given


197os Sterling Colorado Logan county
Same exact thing happened to friends horse in afternoon, along with a few cattle.
Sheriffs department sent out USAF team with Geiger counters due to high levels of radiation detection. No blood, signs of struggle, tracks from perpetrators. Dead animals that weren’t coming in at sunset to feed.
Same time frame courthouse square lined sidewalks with mutilated cattle counts for the day.
USAF there for metering
Scary times, no answers given

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