Murder in the Cathedral



You were telling me about this. What an interesting story from beginning to end! Thanks for sharing it.

please see my article in Fearless Before the Lord: Giuseppe Alia and Religious and Political Radicalism" in "Journal for the Study of Radicalism", vol. 13, number 2, fall 2019, pp. 45-63


What an intriguing story! I was totally unaware of this person and his crime. Thanks for writing it up.

Rich, I don't see how the statement minimized the crime. It serves to show that much of the panic surrounding a national plot was, as so often happens, unfounded. Police in Chicago, for example, were talking about arming priests at the time. Thanks for reading.


Fr Leo Heinrichs served as a visiting priest for a year or so in the 1890s in my parish of St Marys in Far Rockaway, Queens NY.


Sean, that would make sense since he had only arrrived in Denver from New York in 1907. Thanks so much for reading. 

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