Research Tools A-Z
Fairmount Sexton Records 1891 – 1953, Fairmount Cemetery, Denver, Colorado
The Fairmount Sexton Records 1891–1953 are arranged in rough “alphabetical order” by age, sex, race, date of burial, and other information.
Fallen Heroes of World War I from Denver, Colorado
Recorded are the names of the men and women from Denver who lost their lives in service to their country during the European War, 1914-1918.
Farmer and Hale Mortuary Index 1889 - 1909
Index to registers by this mortuary. Registers are available for in library use only and require staff retrieval.
Fiftyniners' Directory Colorado Argonauts 1858-1859
A Directory of their arrivals, removals, deaths, marriages, children, property, mines, and ranches, with names of old towns, mining camps, gulches, mountains, rivers, creeks, and other matters relating to the setting of their lives in the Pike's Peak Region.
Fire Insurance Map Inventory of Colorado
Detailed inventory of known Colorado fire insurance maps held by Colorado institutions and the Library of Congress. Includes introduction and guide to the history of fire insurance mapping in Colorado, how to use the inventory, and where you can find fire insurance maps in the state, including links to online maps.
First Baptist Church of Denver Membership Records, 1864-1996
This index lists member name, number, and years of membership, and is associated with archival collection WH2326. First Baptist Church of Denver records, 1864-1996, held in Denver Public Library's Special Collection and Digital Archives Department.
First Presbyterian Church Records, 1883-1900
This Index catalogs the membership records of the First United Presbyterian Church of Denver, 1893-1900. The sources of the Index, Membership Roll and Communicants Register 1893-1900 (Communicants) and First United Presbyterian Church Membership Roll Revised and Transferred 1904 (Membership Roll), are located in the Manuscript Collection of the Special Collections and Archives Department of the Denver Public Library titled Green Mountain Presbyterian Church of Lakewood, Colo., C MSS WH1023, box 8.
Foundation Stones
"Lest We Forget
The ox team; the covered wagon; the long trek; the hair-breadth escape from hostile Indians; the log house; the forts for defence [sic]; the many privations, these brief personal sketches will remind us of our obligation to the Old Pioneer"