What's the Value of JFK Assassination Newspapers?

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I have a Detroit Free Press of the Kennedy assassination that is a misprint how many of these were there and what is the value of a misprint Kennedy assassination paper

Hi Randy - I'm sorry, we are unable to provide appraisals of JFK assassination papers. We would point out that it was pretty common for newspapers to go to print with the information they had at hand, and these kinds of "errors" are pretty common.

For example, the Denver Post won a Pulitzer prize for a Columbine special edition that suggested as many as 24 people were killed at the school when the final number was 13.

They are, indeed, very common. Hence the lack of monetary value. They might gain some value once people start throwing them away but, given the tone of the comments on this blog, that seems unlikely to happen anytime soon!


I have every newspaper for the buffalo evening news that has to do with JFK from the day he became president to his assination his as well as JFK and JFKjr obituary cards even the paper about Oswald Cobbelpot arrest and could not find a buyer can read every letter on every page lol


I in possession of a few 1963 Daily Newspapers they are from the day
president John F Kennedy was killed I’m trying to sell them to a Collector


I in possession of a few 1963 Daily Newspapers they are from the day
president John F Kennedy was killed I’m trying to sell them to a Collector


I in possession of a few 1963 Daily Newspapers they are from the day
president John F Kennedy was killed I’m trying to sell them to a Collection

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