Red Rocks, Riots & a Rock 'n' Roll Revival: The Birth of the Summer of Stars

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I was also at the Jethro Tull concert as one of the gate crashers.There were four or five of us I believe. Some of us had tickets and some of us did not. We went to the gate to allow the ticket holders to get in and to see if the rest of us could score tickets and were told that no one else could enter whether they had tickets or not. We then took my 4 wheel drive Bronco up to the top of the next mountain over and proceeded down the hill towards the concert. We felt like we were the only ones doing this until the helicopters came and dropped the teargas. Groups of people exploded out of the bushes each time.this happened. We reached a small stream at the bottom of the ravine and soaked our shirts with water. covered our faces, and proceeded up the other side to the concert. Fires were burning and Chaos was everywhere but it ended up being one of the most memorable concerts ever!


I was in this mess the day before my 17th birthday! The teargas was outrageous! My friend Dellene was arrested because her BF Mitch handed her the pot to hold. The rest of us hitch hiked back to Aurora to my home (where my my mom was drunk/oblivious) and dropped acid to celebrate my Bday. I am now 68 years old, and proud to have created tales to curl my grandkid's hair... if I'd only had kids first!


I heard about the Tull riot at school. I went to my first concert in Oct '72. I was 14 & 1 month yrs old. Grand Funk Railroad at The Denver Colosseum. We used to skip school on occasion & go to Red Rocks from Aurora to hang out, smoke a joint, drink some beers. Even tripped on some acid up there once. Used to climb up on top of the big rock left of the stage, (there is a big staircase carved in the rock up there). I went active duty in the Army on 1/6/'76. Saw Tull at the Colosseum for their Passion Play tour, (for 4 bucks). Great show that was. Now ticket prices have gone crazy. Tull came back to Red Rocks a few years ago. Tickets were $90.00. Holy crap! lol I did not go. Sooo... I have never seen a show at RR. : )


I was 20 and visiting friends in Denver in August,1972. They had tickets to that Joan Baez Red Rocks show that week and insisted I must go and see Red Rocks. So I did. Baez stopped at one point in her show and said "I'm told there's an amazing Moon Rise behind me" which she could not see, of course, due to the bandschell. In that moment I made the decision to move to Colorado, from Wisconsin, and I've been here ever since. NO REGRETS!!


I was there. We had tickets and were waiting for the Jethro Tull. They came out and started playing. There were already to s of people at the gates trying to get in for free. So they had the gates blocked. Then everyone inside including Full are being tear gassed. They didn't pay attention to the wind current. So we are trying to get out. Others are trying to get in. It was a 🌃. I remember trying to get into any car to get away from the rear gas. Finally! A car door opened. And it fell off!
We finally got into our panel wagon and we're half way home when we hear a voice we don't There is some unknown guy sitting up in the far back. I won't ever forget the next sentence. So typical for the times.
This guy has no idea who we are or where we are going but out of his mouth comes "Hey, anyone want me to roll a doob". That's all it took. We are family now. I don't remember what happened to our new family member but that was life back then 🌸🌺🌺,🌸


I was there. We had tickets and were waiting for the Jethro Tull. They came out and started playing. There were already to s of people at the gates trying to get in for free. So they had the gates blocked. Then everyone inside including Full are being tear gassed. They didn't pay attention to the wind current. So we are trying to get out. Others are trying to get in. It was a 🌃. I remember trying to get into any car to get away from the rear gas. Finally! A car door opened. And it fell off!
We finally got into our panel wagon and we're half way home when we hear a voice we don't There is some unknown guy sitting up in the far back. I won't ever forget the next sentence. So typical for the times.
This guy has no idea who we are or where we are going but out of his mouth comes "Hey, anyone want me to roll a doob". That's all it took. We are family now. I don't remember what happened to our new family member but that was life back then 🌸🌺🌺,🌸


Jethro Tull Red Rocks 1971 concert. The stadium was sold out 20,000 seats. But another 40,000 fans showed up. They didn't bum rush the gates, they just went up the mountain behind the stadium and climbed over the rocks. The cops rioted and were trampling people with horses and pepper sprayed people and they had Rottweilers tearing peoples legs up. Then they started dropping tear gas into the stadium from helicopters. The band left the stage but Ian Anderson stood stoicly on one leg for 2 hours without moving and gave the most incredible electric flute solo I have ever heard. They cut the electricity but they turned on the back up generators and Ian kept playing alone on stage with tear gas canisters hitting the stage and almost hitting Ian. The stage crew would come out and grab the canisters and throw them over the rocks behind the stage. Everyone in the audience stayed and put their coats over their heads. Later in the evening someone threw a large rock off the top of the north rock and unalived a motorcycle cop. Ian contracted chemical pneumonia and his voice wasn't as good after that.

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