The Disappearance of Professor Thomas Riha

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I'm inclined to agree with you, Eric. That Galya Tannenbaum really lived up to the role of a KGB intelligence handler who was ordered to "take care of" Riha, if this were a John LeCarre novel.


As a sophomore at CU in 1969, I remember the story of the disappearance of Thomas Rhia quite well. The CU student newspaper, the "Colorado Daily", seemed obsessed with coverage of Professor Rhia's disappearance, most likely because it was shrouded in mystery and intrigue, and may have involved the CIA. These were turbulent and disturbing times on the CU campus. The Vietnam War was at its height, draft resistance, women's liberation, protests and bomb threats abounded, and the infamous SDS seemed like it was everywhere. There was even a joke of a student strike somewhere around this time. Even so, Dr. Rhia's disappearance seemed to occupy a central role in the "Daily's" coverage. We were lucky to have the CU Trivia Bowl and football team as welcomed distractions from the reality of campus strife.

Sounds like things were indeed very tense at CU Boulder in those days. And with all the stress with the USSR and the Cold War going on stateside and abroad, I imagine Riha's disappearance really didn't help. Thanks for commenting on my post!

Hi Ralph Albi......
Could you please email me? My name is Bev Lloyd.
I would appreciate a quick moment of your time & I will fully explain why if you call me.


Caroline could you please contact me at We are researching for an upcoming documentary Galya and Thomas’ relationship and would love to speak with you.


As an ex attorney for both Ms. Tannenbaum and Dr Riha, has anyone ever wondered why I never issued a statement or interviewed by the press. After 50 years, I was asked to be video taped by a person once connected to the Teller Center for Science, Technology and Polital Thought. Neverf once has Rhyolite or Echelon been alluded to

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