May 1864 Brought Denver's First Big Flood—and Swept Away Much More



Thank you for another wonderful look back at a young Denver.In the last paragraph the article mentions the Great Fire of 1864, change it to 1863.


Thank you, Brian. Beautifully written! I also appreciate having learned the meaning of the word "besom."


Thank you for the kind words, Francis! Smiley's History of Denver is a never-ending education in so many ways!


There's a plaque on the Cherry Creek trail that talks about this. It says the Native American's warned the settlers about the creek and river but the settlers didn't understand them. Years later they realized they were basically saying, "Hey don't live right here, it floods."

Hi Matthew - Thanks for reading and commenting. It does seem like those  Denver/Auraria pioneers weren't real keen on taking good advice. 


Thanks for taking the time to post this interesting look back, Saddened our current look is so full of strife. Also the homeless debris and filth make trips to the downtown area scary and unpleasant.

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