Acclaimed Western Photographers ~ George Beam

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You're welcome, and you're right! It's like a window into the past. Glad you enjoy the photos!


My great grand father Harwood Murray Cushing was the passenger agent for the Denver Rio Grande during this time. I am pretty sure they probably worked together and I suspect George L Beam took pictures of him. I would love to take a closer look at his pictures and see if I can identify Harwood. Thanks Randel


I enjoyed reading this post, and have been scanning through the digital collection. I stumbled onto George L. Beam, from a specific perspective. A few months ago, I purchased a collection of about 300 letters, from 1880-1920s, addressed to a King family that lived in Kansas; Lawrence, Wichita and Cheney.

I've just started to open and read them. Two of the first ten letters were written by George L. Beam, in the 1890s, to Ida King, who he apparently met at school in Lawrence, Kansas. At the time of his letters, Ida is living in either Wichita or Cheney, Kansas. (I'm sure there are other letters from George, I have just started opening and reading.)

One of the letters, in 1895, from George mentions he has just purchased a new 8" x 10" camera that he has not yet used much.

I would be happy to share digital versions of these letters with you and the Western History Collection of the Denver Library.

Best Regards,
Mike Maxton
Wichita, Kansas

In reply to by Mike Maxton (not verified)


Thank you for your offer, Mike. I have removed your email address from here, but forwarded your comment to our acquisitions archivist, Jamie Seemiller. She will contact you separately.

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