Think You're a Native American? Prove it

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I am a native by my dad (not step dad) and he was part native but know one thiks i am so thank you and i have been trying to find myself and i think i am...! :)

In reply to by Maverick baker (not verified)


I was raised in a foster home and I was told that my birth mother was an American Indian. I’m interested in learning more about my heritage, since childhood, I have always wanted to be an Indian even before I was told my mother was. Please direct me to how I can learn if I have Indian blood and what tribe if any would I be a member of.

Take an ancestry dna test and start building a tree. Ask your closest maternal links how you think you could be related by messaging them. Sometimes its easy, sometimes a bit harder depending on others that have taken the test. You can also view your “matches” tree to see if they have tribal members.

Take an ancestry dna test and start building a tree. Ask your closest maternal links how you think you could be related by messaging them. Sometimes its easy, sometimes a bit harder depending on others that have taken the test. You can also view your “matches” tree to see if they have tribal members.

Assuming this is on, id highly recommend using that as a vital tool to research your ancestors; it’s how I found my Choctaw heritage. My advice is don’t trust census records because when I did my research I found many cases of paper genocide, so id try to go for photos or memoirs, and lastly official records for natives such as the Dawes Roll.

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