UPDATE: Landmark Status for Boyhood Home of Red Rocks Architect Burnham Hoyt Rejected By Denver City Council



I spent many long hours in the Park Hill Library, long before all the additions. I felt I was in someone's home library!!!!


I am very concerned that the current climate of our City Council is such that this will likely be granted. This would be more than shameful. By tearing down our special places, and allowing them to be rebuilt as poorly designed, cheap and shoddy developments, Denver has quickly lost its character and sense of place. Very short term thinking on the part of a few powerful people leads to the loss of vibrant culture for generations of people. Please do the right thing.


If you look up 2849 W. 23rd Avenue in Google Maps, you'll see an iconic Victorian home, the kind of historic architecture that graces many Denver neighborhoods. And, to the left, another more recent icon: a plain brown box of a building with a lime green door and a white drainage pipe extending over its front fence and running almost to the sidewalk. Parkview Lofts. If the Victorian is torn down, it will undoubtedly be replaced with yet another of these cheap eyesores being thrown up all over town. Write to or call your City Council representative and demand that he/she help protect your neighborhood from the devaluing of properties with ugly architecture.


Wonderful short story on a lengthy history of men who brought us buildings for all to enjoy. Red Rocks is a National Treasure and I never cease to wonder about its beauty.

To Carol Fitzgerald's post, one might enjoy this article from the "National Trust for Historic Preservation," -- Six Practical Reasons to Save Old Buildings. https://savingplaces.org/stories/six-reasons-save-old-buildings# [dot] WB9dOiQuA5w

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