Lakeside Amusement Park's Unforgettable Funhouse - Wow Photo Wednesday

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Great post, Brian! Ah, how well I remember Laffing Sall--hearing that evil laugh, stumbling around trying to navigate the Fun House as a terrified six year old--in an about to 'pee-my-pants' kind of fear. Sure felt like she was laughing only at me. Indeed, just the faded memory still gives me chills. Thanks for the walk down memory lane


Some of my best childhood memories are of Lakeside's Funhouse. The crazy, almost free-fallingly steep slide, the moving floors, the spinning disk, the monkey cage and more. It was a wonderful place where, for better or worse, fun trumped safety every time.


I too enjoyed all of those attractions and devices, including Laughing Sal, whom me and my brother new as "Florence", as we thought she looked like our landlady at the apt. we lived in as children. I saw her again as an adult at Cliff House, on Ocean Beach, San Francisco, but now I see it may, or may not, actually have been her.


Yes, I was haunted by laughing Sall also! We lived just below Inspiration Point. My Mom made complaints about Sall's volume, and had her turned down. I kind of miss her now though!


HI Pat - Thanks for sharing that memory. We're not quite sure how you ever slept with Sall's cackling in the background, but we're very impressed that you did!


Thanks Brian for the Fun House memories. I too, like Leigh Ann experienced nightmares from Laughing Sal and still have them occasionally to this day. As a visiting teen from Littleton, the Fun House was our "scary" adventure. Standing outside with Laughing Sal, all we could hear was her laughing and all the screaming from inside. The whole fun house experience set me up for my life of adventure today.

Hi Bonnie - Thanks for sharing your memories of the Lakeside Funhouse (talking about these things is very therapeutic!). We were especially disturbed to find out that there were Laughing Salls all over the country and that some of them are still in operation(!). 

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