Under the Viaduct, Down By the Platte - Wow Photo Wednesday

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I understand why the city replaced the viaducts/bridges--the 20th st. bridge was considered too structurally shaky to allow RTD buses on it--but I miss them all the same. There were some really fine photos on display at the DPL on the fifth floor last year done by Kim Allen: great shots of viaducts, warehouses, railyards, all the things in "LoDo" before it became "LoDo".

As far as remaining viaducts, I guess there's the Colfax viaduct, which adds some interest to the area around the Ironworks bar; and for now there's the I70 viaduct, which is interesting to drive under between York and Steele streets, but it looks like it will be replaced with a below-grade highway in the near future. Neither of them are old steel viaducts like the one shown in the picture here, however.


I grew up near 41st & Madison near the I-70 viaduct. I remember how depressed and depressing it was with the darkness and invasion of the neighborhood. It should never have been built in the middle of the neighborhood and ruin it. Not liking the solution that is being pushed through in the area.

Hi Carol and thanks for the comment. It really was amazing how much the viaducts changed the character of the neighborhoods they crossed...and how odd some neighborhoods now seem without them. 

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