Revisiting Denver's "Changeling" House

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I realize how many years later I'm reading this article, but I read all the articles you've written about Cheesman Park and the inspiration for the 1979 film, "The Changeling", and I just had to post a comment.

I've been keenly interested in the story since I first saw the film roughly 18 years ago. I was a teenager living with my parents, and it honestly terrified me in a good way, as only good horror movies can, and I was so enamored with the gentle way Trish Van Devere spoke that I subconsciously began to imitate it.

Anyway, I remember scouring the internet every couple of years, trying to find out if any of it was true, because something told me there had to be something to it. I didn't come across Hunter's story until a couple of years ago, but even with what I found at the time, there was no corroboration of his story, because the article I read focused on the Seattle area and insisted there was no Chessman Park in Seattle.

Imagine my surprise today, trying yet again with the same search keywords, and discovering your article from 2013, and learning that at least some of the story was actually true! Only the events had occurred in Denver, not Seattle.

Anyway, thank you so much for writing the articles in the first place, and the Denver Library for keeping them up on the site. What a fascinating journey through history and mysterious, embellished stories! :)

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