Denver Coffee House Menus: Paris on the Platte, Muddy’s and the Mercury Cafe



I always loved Market Street Cafe on Larimer. We used to go there on cold winter nights, after walking 16th street or Writers square. Once on our way there, it started to snow. We turned a corner and there was a huge semi truck parked in the middle of the street and men were unloading a full sized tyrannosaurus rex. It was memorizing. The snow, the brick sidewalks, the dinosaur. I'll never forget that night.

Hi Amanda. Thanks for sharing your lovely reminiscences. What an odd event with the T-Rex! I wonder the background on that one. And of course, the Market was/is a great place. I'm thankful we still have it.

Hi Amanda, yes ... I loved The Market on Larimer as well. In high school, I worked around the corner on Market Street and it was always a treat to go there. So sad it's closed down.


Cafe Netherworld on 13th took up some of the burden of these places (which I loved!)

I think it would be worth a good piece all on it's own.

Hi Ryan, thanks for the suggestion! A quick search through our various catalogs and indexes indicates that we don't have a Cafe Netherworld menu in the collection. We do, however, have some files in manuscript collections (including the Tom Hallewell Papers) that reference it. You never know what you'll find!

try cafe nepenthes.. i remember it.. also go back still farther.. sign of the zodiac.. in the gritty part of cap hill. like in the late 60's.... what a blast.

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