Celebrating Denver's Lost Restaurants

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Trying to get information on Tommy's Fish and Chips that was on Colorado Blvd in the 1950's. It was in the general vicinity of where Celebrity Bowl later was located. I want very much to know any info on how they made their fabulous deep fried shrimp and cod.

My father, Earl (Tommy) Thomas owned Tommy's Fish and Chips at that location on Colorado Boulevard. He also opened one on West Alameda. The Colo. Blvd location became the restaurant called The Library in the 60's. My father used a boxed pancake batter for the deep fried shrimp and cod! He could also toss a mean pizza!


I worked for Jack Hogan (as his private chauffeur) who owned the Cantubury Inn and the London House. Those where great times.


I am wondering about the Plainview Restaurant. It had been located in Northwest Denver. I have found no information about it. Back in the 1980's and 1990's, we met there regularly to listen to a presentation by a variety of politicians. It was said that no candidate would succeed in Democratic politics unless they appeared at the Plainview.

Hi Mary Jane - Thanks for the question on the Plainview. It's no one I'm familiar with and it doesn't appear in our Subject Index, but I wonder if any of our other readers remember it? I'm thinking that some of those secret seats of power may have flown under the radar. Le Profile at 1560 Sherman was a hotseat of local GOP politics for a time, too. 

Take care!


Does anyone remember that restaurant in Denver that was famous for their rosin potatoes? Probably 1940's - 1960's?? What was the name?

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