Is Buffalo Bill Cody Really Buried on Lookout Mountain?

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Hi everyone, I wanted to confirm that Buffalo Bill’s grave is indeed in Denver, for he is my great, great, great, great uncle. For safety purposes I will not state my name, but we have visited his grave several times, and once to have it cleaned. Although some may say this is untrue, I would beg your pardon that the grave area was recently cleaned in 2014, held in track records posted on the National History website. Under Buffalo Bill’s citation levels. Uncle Willy, as we like to call him, saved his drawings of the area he wanted to be buried, and my grandmother still stores them today. Let this be educational and put your misunderstandings at rest.


I knew a man by the name of Raymond leffler's who died in 1975 at the age of a hundred that played the drums for the Buffalo Bills field he left home when he was 9 years old I actually shook hands with a man that shook hands with Buffalo Bill


The question I have is what’s underneath bills grave on lookout mountain? I notice 3-4 locked portals around the outside of the monument in areas you can walk too almost like there is a bunker under the hill. Anyone have any idea on this?

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