What Do the Colors on the Colorado State Flag Mean?


Rojo is red, colorado (literally “colored”) is a red that goes towards purple (also used for blushing). Then you have tinto, as in vino tinto (red wine) or the famous Río Tinto mines in Southern Spain, where the river is colored red from the iron in the rock (tinto is an old fashioned way of saying tintado, meaning “tainted”).

Rojo is red, colorado (literally “colored”) is a red that goes towards purple (also used for blushing). Then you have tinto, as in vino tinto (red wine) or the famous Río Tinto mines in Southern Spain, where the river is colored red from the iron in the rock (tinto is an old fashioned way of saying tintado, meaning “tainted”).


when I went to school in denver at greenly school we where told that the red was for the red man {Indain] late 1950



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