Classic Colorado Gators

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I can most assuredly attest to the fact that the Alligator Gardens & Snake Stockade did indeed exist out on East Colfax in Aurora. I met a woman who even showed me where the old gator ponds were! I also have an old article from the Aurora Advocate dated August 8, 1963, announcing Walter F. Cobb had opened Alligator Gardens.

We lived in Aurora. Alligator Gardens east of Aurora had the gators and a concrete snake pit with a divider separating venomous snakes including rattlers, cotton mouths, coral and copperheads. The pit was lined with glass so people could look down into the pit. The handler would lift any number of snakes that would strike at the glass. I still have nightmares and have developed a phobia about snakes. I recall the floods of 1965 may have wiped out the entire project. One handler wrestled an alligator which seemed around only 4 feet.


As a child Mom and Dad took us to Alligator Gardens in Aurora. I thought it was on Alameda near Lowry but I’m not sure. I was all of 10 years old... around 1964.


I also remember having a family outing to Alligator Gardens east of Denver and I know it was in the mid 60s. My father both a new 1964 Bel-Air station wagon and was upset because upon exiting the property we discovered that our car (along with all the other cars) had a bright Yellow bumper sticker on it advertising Alligator Gardens with Black letters. I remember there being "a lot" of alligators there. In June of 1965 the South Platte river flooded and my father had told me that it flooded out the Alligator Gardens. I have no way of knowing whether he knew that as fact or was passing on information from others. I know we never heard about Alligator Gardens after the flood.


I work in an assisted living facility a few blocks from this area and have a few residents who remember this place! Please reach out to me for more details!

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