The Origins of Neusteter's Department Store



I worked at Neusteters until the end, both downtown and in Cherry Creek, and it was a delight to deal with Bill and Buzzy. Of course I had great affection for Mr. Myron and his wonderful wife, Shirley. They're sorely missed, as is Nancy, who I think was responsible for suggesting me for the job in the first place. The girls are all grown now, but Katy had a lot of fun wearing some red high heels of mine at a party once when she was little. All in all a fine family, leaving Denver incredible traditions. I'm proud to have been a very small part of it all and always think of Neusteters with nostalgia..


I see this piece is still drawing comments. It was a big part of my early years as well, my stepmother worked there, and I got my first job out of high school in the delivery department down in the old dingy basement of the downtown store. I do remember Christmas season, gift wrapping 500 samples of perfume for some gala (no clue now who or when), and on Christmas Eve closing early, with Mr. Myron standing at the door shaking the hand of every single employee thanking us for surviving the holiday rush! I remember Buzz, who wasn't much older than I working in the basement too, and always showing up with some bargain for us first evening outfit was one of those bargains, and a lovely suit I had tailored upstairs. Wore it for years. Thanks for the memories!

I too worked in the delivery department for about six months staring in the fall of 1967. I remember Angie who was our boss at the time. I picked up packages from all the departments for delivery by Neuster's drivers Bill, Henry, and Russel. Pricilla Dolenz was second in charge. It was a good job and fun at times. Oh yeah, and there was the limo driver Dwight, funny guy. Geez, I can't believe I still remember these folks names.


What a joy, to see so many comments and history about Neusteters. My grandmother (Joanna Doyle) worked at Neusteters when I was a child. She was a sales clerk on the third Floor- Misses Dresses. I still have one of her Neusteters cards that she would give to clients.


My Grandmother and namesake Geraldine(Jerry)Capra worked in hats and better dresses(as they called it) at Neusteters for many years , retiring and loved Mr. Neusteters. We all loved our beautiful clothing ,gifts we received from her she bought from the store! I even worked a summer helping out for a fashion show and inventory!! Fond memories of beautiful designer clothing on Parisian models I dressed.


Did the Neusteters in Cinderella City have a large circular opening surrounded by a railing and a wide open staircase towards the middle of the store going down to the lower level (Shamrock Mall)? I remember shopping with my Mom there in the early 70’s on Saturdays and she would always check out the clearance racks at the bottom of that staircase while I played on the bottom few stairs ( I was @7/8yrs old at the time)

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