Mass murder in the sky: John Gilbert Graham and United Flight 629

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My mom ( died in 2020) talked about this tragedy. She was born and raised in Toponas ( near Yampa ( near Steamboat)) Colorado and went to school with Graham. Their school was very small with a graduating class of 14 or so. He was known in the community because everyone knew everyone in this small ranching community, but he was a bit of an outsider because he lived there with his grandmother after being abandoned by his mother. Mom always spoke of it with sadness.


i remember hearing about the crash I was a young kid at the time. It was such a terrible thing and was amazed reading your account of the investigation, and finding out who did the bombing. That was really fantastic at that time to find out who did it. It is a very sad story.

Hi Arlene - That investigation would have been pretty impressive today, which makes that fact that it was done so many decades ago all the more impressive. Thanks for reading and commenting!


The mass Murder of 44 innocents and he paid the price instead of spending the rest of his life sipping wine he went to the grave early


The Mas Murder of 44 Innocent People and unlike today his exicution was not held up by stupid appeals he paid the price for his Greed

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