Behind the Marker at 15th and Arapahoe: The Life of Silas Soule



Re "Chivington and Soule, along with Major Edward Wynkoop and territorial governor John Evans, were involved in several peace talks between the United States and two of Colorado’s most powerful tribes, the Cheyenne and Arapaho."

John Evans was not only Territorial Governor, but he was concurrently appointed the Territorial Superintendent of Indian Affairs (an unusual arrangement -- generally in the mid-19th century West, different people held those offices). Though Evans was not In Colorado at the time of the massacre, Soule and others' denunciation of Chivington's war crimes perpetrated on Evans' watch prompted Lincoln to demand (and receive) Evans' resignation from the two posts.


Thanks for sharing this remarkable story. Next time I'm at Riverside Cemetery I'll be sure to lay some flowers at his grave.


Thank you for sharing this story. I have never seen this plaque and can't wait to tell this piece of Colorado history to friends next time I'm downtown.

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