Red Rocks, Riots & a Rock 'n' Roll Revival: The Birth of the Summer of Stars

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Jethro Tull Red Rocks 1971 concert. The stadium was sold out 20,000 seats. But another 40,000 fans showed up. They didn't bum rush the gates, they just went up the mountain behind the stadium and climbed over the rocks. The cops rioted and were trampling people with horses and pepper sprayed people and they had Rottweilers tearing peoples legs up. Then they started dropping tear gas into the stadium from helicopters. The band left the stage but Ian Anderson stood stoicly on one leg for 2 hours without moving and gave the most incredible electric flute solo I have ever heard. They cut the electricity but they turned on the back up generators and Ian kept playing alone on stage with tear gas canisters hitting the stage and almost hitting Ian. The stage crew would come out and grab the canisters and throw them over the rocks behind the stage. Everyone in the audience stayed and put their coats over their heads. Later in the evening someone threw a large rock off the top of the north rock and unalived a motorcycle cop. Ian contracted chemical pneumonia and his voice wasn't as good after that.


I was at the Jethro Tull concert on the hill please came with horses and trampled some of the people they heard of them out to the parking lot at one point I saw a guy next to me get hit with a canister of tear gas on his face I decided the melee was getting crazy so I walked to the other side of the amphitheater and oddly enough was able to get in to see the concert


I was at the Jethro Tull concert on the hill please came with horses and trampled some of the people they heard of them out to the parking lot at one point I saw a guy next to me get hit with a canister of tear gas on his face I decided the melee was getting crazy so I walked to the other side of the amphitheater and oddly enough was able to get in to see the concert

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