Exploring the 15 Floors of the Daniels & Fisher Department Store



My mother and I shopped at Daniels & Fisher on the occasional Saturday in the late 1940s-early 1950s. I can picture the very tall, very polite doorman. The sales women remembered my mother's name and sometimes mine. Lunch in the tea room was a highlight of these excursions.

Thanks for sharing your memories with us, Karen! According to a comment from Roger D., the doorman was a man named Karl Zandell, who stood 7'3" and weighed 287 lbs.


I lived in Denver until we moved east in 1958, & I have many fond memories of shopping with my mother. We were always on a budget, but once in a while Mom would treat us to lunch at the D & F Tearoom. I remember a black & white marble floor, having to hike myself up onto a high stool at the fountain counter, & being sure to eat all my cream cheese sandwich on date/nut bread, so I could order one of their fabulous hot fudge sundaes for dessert. The vanilla ice cream was rolled into a ball & paved with chopped pecans, & served in a stemmed sundae glass with delicious hot fudge sauce. Never had another to match it!
A few years back I visited my old home town & while I was glad to see the old tower landmark still holding court downtown, it was bittersweet not to be able to visit that beautiful store filled with all my pleasant childhood memories. .


I’m working on a sequel to my novel, Dear Kiss, and needed some background on a store in Denver. I made one up, but was hoping I could refer to a real one. Reading about that wonderful store brought back memories of Woodward and Lothrop and Garfinkles in D C. Gone now but not even remembered by younger women.We are used to ordering things on line but I do remember a day of shopping complete with lunch in a tea room.my grand daughters see that as “ the old days” but I am lucky to still remember those times. Thank you for the diligence in preserving and archiving same.


My Granpa talked about the tall “guard” (I see in other comments that he was the doorman/elevator man). My Granpa said that he would teasingly ask, “How’s the weather up there?” And the guy would spit and say “Wet” to tease back. My Granpa also commented how funny it was that a guy that size married a wife who was only 4’7” and what a sight he made pushing a baby carriage.
So glad the tower is still up and continues to give opportunities for more stories!


I worked there in 1951, fresh out of college (CU). My major was Journalism, but I hadn't found
a job yet. Then, a D & F store opened in Colo. Springs, so I worked there until I found a
journalism job in Colorado Springs. Thank you so much for publishing this. I enjoyed reading it.

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