Is Colorado a Square State?

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Hi Rafael, and thank you for your comment! When the number of sides gets that high, it's possible we'll never know the exact number, but it's a lot! Because the enabling acts creating both Wyoming and Colorado were based on specific longitude and latitude lines, the northern boundaries of BOTH states are actually shorter than their southern boundaries, since northern lines of longitude slowly merge as you get closer to the geographic North Pole. It was easy to draw the territorial boundaries in Washington, DC -- not as easy for the surveyors on the ground trying to follow those lines while running into all the canyons and mountains.

Umm. Gonna have to burst your logic and square.
Of course, in the northern hemisphere the northern border will always be shorter than the southern when you have parallel western and eastern boundaries. That said, Wyoming has the same issues.

Quite the coincidence! The 37th parallel is actually slightly north of the surveyed line, and the surveyed line is slightly north of the high point of pass. That said, they're all very close together. If the surveyors intentionally laid down the boundary below the 37th parallel to get it closer to the high point, they kept that subversion to themselves.


Maybe someday while the earth still exists, the U.S. will just realign them to the correct all boundaries that are tied to longitudes and latitudes. We're still adjusting other boundaries. Any short and medium-term hassles could possibly be offset with reduced costs over the long-run from surveys, taxes, etc.


Maybe someday while the earth still exists, the U.S. will just realign them to the correct all boundaries that are tied to longitudes and latitudes. We're still adjusting other boundaries. Any short and medium-term hassles could possibly be offset with reduced costs over the long-run from surveys, taxes, etc.

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