Pliny of the Plains: Marciano Aguayo and a Lifetime of Letters



The Aguayo Archive will be a rich resource for historians writing histories of Mexican immigration and labor in eastern Colorado during the post-revolutionary period of the 1920’s and during the Great Depression and World War II eras.

Thanks for your comment. You are right; the collection will be valuable for historians, researchers, and students in the future. As I processed the collection, I realized just how important Marciano’s letters have become over time. Sadly, many of the challenges he and his co-workers faced are the same challenges migrant workers face today.

I hope that you can visit soon and consult the collection yourself.


Today, I had the pleasure of reading your analysis of the Aguayo family papers. I would like to note some changes to the material as follows. Marciano Aguayo was born on November 2, 1897 in Aguascalientes, Mexico and died on December 7, 1979 in Greeley, Colorado. Both he and my mother Jovita became US citizens in 1975. Also, there was a seventh child, Celia, born in 1944. I have some additional material that I would like to donate to DPL, including a novel/memoir that I published in 2019. It is a story loosely based on people with the Aguayo surname from the middle ages in Spain to the present. Could we arrange a meeting, perhaps this summer when the pandemic, hopefully more in control?


Thanks as always for your newsletter. I'd like to let you know that I've just begun a "Colorado Photo History" blog on my website at I'm hosting it as an outreach for a book project I've been working on for four years and your department and staff have been unfailingly helpful, which I greatly appreciate. I miss you guys and hope you can reopen soon. Please check out the blog. There are also FB and IG sites under the same name. Would you please pass this along to Katie Rudolph - she might be interested in the Myron Wood post especially. Thanks again.


Hello Jose, I am a family member of yours and i am so interested in learning about my family history. My email is

In reading again the information about my father, I am pleased to see your comment about you being a family member and wanting to know more about Aguayo family history. I would like to share with you what I know about our family. Let's begin communicating!

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