Denver Broncos Super Bowl: The Spirit of '77

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Thanks for the memories. I listened to the first Super Bowl from my barracks at Ft. Eustis, VA. I'm originally from Kansas City so that game was important to me.

I've lived in Colorado for 44 years and went to my first Broncos game in 1968 when there were bleachers on the east side. We've been Orange with love for all those years! GO Broncos!!


Hi Mike - Thank you for sharing your memories with us. Those East Stands, if I recall correctly, the East Stands were added as a condition of the AFL/NFL merger. Also, Go Broncos!


January 1, 1978 was so cold. It called for a couple of warm drinks before heading for Mile High. I kept that ticket for years and finally gave it to my son.

Thanks for sharing that memory with us, Pamela...and here's hoping your son will have plenty of Denver Broncos playoff ticket stubs to pass on to his descendants!


Gave credibility to the old AFL that its teams beyond the raiders ,chiefs could be relevant in the NFL .

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