Globeville Neighborhood History

“The block of 47th and Logan had been cleared of trees and the large swamp filled in. The block was being used as a park. The men walked to work, the women baked bread and other items for the dinner table. Most families raised chickens, had a few pigs and a cow. Cattle could be seen along the lower part of the railroad tracks between 48th and 49th Avenues. Each family had a small garden in the back yard. In those days the Platte River came to the edge of the southern part of Washington Street. A person could walk along Washington Street and look down into the roaring river. There also were forests along the Platte River. Sand pits were in the area of 48th Sherman - Logan. The north-western part of Globeville was swamp land. Many of the homes were without foundations. Cement sidewalks were non-existing but the wooden ones were always clean. Even the wooden porches were washed down once a week. The government had the streets watered down to control the dust on the dirt roads.” - Globeville: Part of Colorado’s History by Larry Betz