Bygone Denver: Harry Hoffman Liquors



Thank you for bringing my father back to life for a few moments. Not only did he excell in
salesmanship, he was an exceptional human being! He was exceedingly generous and he
helped many people and their families. We were so honored to have our parents,
Lillian and Harry Hoffman. They achieved many honorable deeds. They were exciting
to know.

Thank you so much for reading and for your wonderful comments, Sheila. Your father's personality comes through so clearly in the interviews I read. He sounds like he was a wonderful man! 

I purchased a Harry Hoffman decanter today at an Estate Sale and on the back their is his signature. I was wondering if anyone else has one of these with his autograph on the back. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. tacomatina@


This was so rewarding to read about the History of the Store and the Story behind it in regards to the personal history of HH. Interesting!


I worked at Hoffman's in the early 1970's. During my time there, Mr. Hoffman was always nice to me. He knew all of his employee's names and acted in a very down to earth manner. It was always entertaining when he worked the sales counter because he was such a character. He would save his best sales pitches when he was trying to sell an expensive bottle of liquor or wine. It was a real treat to watch him in action.


Thank you for sharing your memories, Ralph. It sounds like Mr. Hoffman was a super salesman and manager!


I was in the travel business long ago--lived on the West Coast, but made frequent trips to to Denver. My "at work" cronies and I knew about the great deals offered at Harry Hoffman's Liquors and we held off replenishing our libation supplies until a scheduled trip to Denver allowed us to make a visit to Harry's liquor emporium for a purchase--which we happily toted home. Talking about the 60's & 70's. Ah yes, those were the days.

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