Bygone Denver: Harry Hoffman Liquors



In 1970 I spent some months in Denver studying under a colleague of the late Hasidic Rabbi & singer Shlomo Carlebach. During that time I stayed with Mr. Hoffman's son Howard, who introduced me to his parents. Mr. Hoffman was certainly an interesting man & his store without compare to anything I ever saw in many years since of travel to cities large & small.


Sheila I still have two of those Jim Beam bottles you gave me years ago at Colorado Carphone owned by you and Barry Hirschfeld.


I purchased a Harry Hoffman decanter today at an Estate Sale and on the back their is his signature. I was wondering if anyone else has one of these with his autograph on the back. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


Harry Hoffman also had Movie Theaters, a Bank and built a home on Shangri-la Street
which is a image of the Film. Yes, also owned a Moving and Storage on Colfax St.
He was dedicated to Denver, a Founder of the Larimar St. Urban Renewal Project and
one of Denver's most inspired business leaders during his life.

My Father worked for him at the Bluebird Theater on Colfax.

I am sorry to say that you have Harry Hoffman confused with Harry Huffman, who owned movie theaters and his well-known home, Near South Colorado Blvd and Alameda. Like Mr. Hoffman, Mr Huffman was an incredibly successful businessman.


My parents were frequent visitors to Harry Hoffman’s, I even got to tag along. I see these big box stores that have tried to copy the store. I remember helping my parents carry out boxes of different alcohol to the car. It was a place we all wanted to go and see.

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