Women’s March on Denver January 19, 2019

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Hi Joe,

Thanks for the comment. All viewpoints are welcome to contribute to the collection. Please share your story at https://history.denverlibrary.org/your-story



DNC stopped supporting the women's match. Didn't you get the message ? Anti-Semitic, anti-men (especially white men who are now committing suicide at an alarming rate ), anti-work, anti-police, anti-education, anti everything that makes a society civil. What is it you do like ? Could you possibly find it in another country ? Tired of ignorant people that have no idea how the world works. Get a Clue.


Thanks for the comment. All viewpoints are welcome to contribute to the collection. Please share your story at https://history.denverlibrary.org/your-story


It will be interesting down-the-road to look back at this crazy time and see how identity politics plays out. So far, it looks like the Left is down the intersectionality rabbit hole, eating its own. Tamika Mallory and Linda Sarsour lead The Women's March. Black Lives Matter activist Tamika calls the rabid anti-semite, Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, the “Greatest of All Time.” Meanwhile, hijab-wearing Linda Sarsour tells the world that it should Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. Together, these two blow up The March. Tom Wolfe couldn't have written any better.

Thanks for the comment. These are indeed crazy times. Our aim in collecting material from the march even in times of controversy are to document the history as it is happening. It is our hope that many years from now scholars will research and study these events to explore the impact it had on history. If you would like to share your story please share online!

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