From The Rocky Mountain News Photo Collection: Robert F. Kennedy In Colorado



i distinctly remember Robert Kennedy paying a private visit to Beulah Colorado, SW of Pueblo. there was congressman, Frank Evans, who I think had a fairly modest summer house there , on South Pine Drive, I believe. Everyone in Beulah knew he was there visiting, but i don't think any of us saw him or bothered him. maybe 1966 or 67

I never heard that, thank you and it makes sense, we have "mystry photos" of where they werevtaken but i always felt they were in Beulah.

My parents never bragged, not even to their kids... Peter, Francis, Susan, or Charles (Chaz)


I remember seeing RFK during a campaign stop in Colorado Springs during March, 1968. He rode in an open convertible down Platte Ave and I watched from the General Palmer statue at the intersection of Nevada Ave. I had watched his brother from the same spot 5 years earlier. I remember being struck by his image and shock of reddish hair.


I was at the airport in Cheyenne when they touched down. We scrambled to the Frontier Park to hear him speak to the crowd, before boarding the plane to other campaign stops.


As a 15-year old 9th grader in March 1968, I skipped school from Morey Jr. Hi. And walked down to Denver to see Bobby Kennedy. Amidst the pressing throngs of people there to see him, I was lucky enough to be within arm’s reach to shake his hand, as he made his way to the podium. Definitely a highlight at that time in my life.

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