Before Food Blogs: the Community Cookbooks

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I love cookbooks, those by community groups the best. Recently I've been searching 'vintage cookbook' on Pinterest and have found a wealth of digitized cookbooks from collections around the country.


We have a quick question. What is a stick of macaroni and what is the modern equivalent of that?

Thanks for your question Kaitlin and Jessica! I'm not completely sure what a stick of macaroni would translate to today. In past centuries, macaroni was often a substitute term for all pasta (like coke is in certain parts of the country). Also, there are long versions of macaroni available and are typically used in "maccheroni" dishes such as maccheroni alla chitarra. If you are looking for a substitute and don't want to pick up a bag of long macaroni, I am sure any other type of pasta would work. One great benefit of these bare-bones recipes is how they lend themselves to personal adaptation.


I LOVE community cookbooks. My mom bought them, so I used them as a kid. Now, I have to stop myself from buying them at garage sales. They're fascinating & at times disgusting. But I do like the recipes from a Greek Orthodox church cookbook I own.


Haven't heard of community cookbooks, let alone read one. The evolution of cookbooks has totally transformed the way recipes are shared. But, the cause involved in community cookbooks is commendable.

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