The Diplomat: "Denver's First Complete Downtown Motor Hotel"



Great article, I love the "Vegas comes to Denver" look of the place. Any idea when it was torn down? I've lived in Capitol Hill since the '80s and I don't remember ever seeing it. Might it have been demolished for some other project during the late '70s/early '80s building boom, only for the project to stall during the late '80s recession, leaving just a parking lot for decades? That's what happened to the Cosmopolitan Hotel.


Great question, Jude! According to our Western History Subject Index (index to local newspapers), the hotel became the Quality Inn Motel in 1969. The Quality Inn Motel at 1840 Sherman St. was listed in the Denver city directories through 1979. This could mean the building was demolished sometime in 1979 or 1980. However, further research is needed, as the hotel could have been renamed or converted to apartments and razed later in the 1980s or 1990s. 


Thanks Katie for the quick reply and extensive research into Jude's question... one I also had.


I have a book of matches from the Diplomat, red with gold letters two lions on the front. Phone # CHerry 4-4171, Free Indoor Parking.


My husband and I spent our honeymoon at the Diplomat in Denver in June of 1966.
It was beautiful. I also have a matchbook with the lions on it. It had a heated swimming pool too.

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