Protest Marching Through Colorado - Wow Photo Wednesday

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One of the signs says the children "represent the C.F. & I.," the Colorado Fuel & Iron Company. This was the company that owned the Ludlow mines. One of the reasons that particular incident gained so much attention nationally was that eleven children and two women died. The only person convicted of violence was a labor organizer named John Lawson. According to this site (with citations), there was a children's march through Denver's business section, led by Mother Jones, demanding justice for Lawson. This is likely a photo of that event.

Hi Jinnie - Thanks for your insightful comments. I wonder if it's possible that there was more than one Boy's March? Ludlow was a huge moment for labor and definitely ignited passions in the state. Thanks again!

There may have been other Boy's Marches, because child labor was certainly in full swing in some mines during this time. However, I don't think CF&I used child labor; indeed, they provided schools for the miner's children as both an attempt to ward off unionization efforts and also to inculcate a future work force. This being a anti-CF&I march with children indicates a strong tie to Ludlow.


There are also some terrific images from Trinidad 1913-14 of a women's march supporting the Ludlow strikers, including the infamous national labor leader Mother Jones in the lead.

Hi Marcia - I was pretty overwhelmed at the number of really interesting protest photos in our collection. Selecting just a few good ones proved to be very difficult! Thanks for reminding us about the Mother Jones photos.

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