Continental Oil Refinery Explosion and Fire

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Yes I do remember on 4,7,&9 news about it at the time I was working at Safeway E Hampden/S Chambers Rd S Aurora Age 21 at the time thank you


I recall it as I was working directly across I-270 when it happened. We should have been evacuated .


I was about to get off the night shift at the Mobil Oil building. I just happened to be looking out of the 20th floor window to the north and the fireball went up. Then the shock wave hit the building and some of the guys were knocked off their feet. I found the newspaper article today in some old papers, looked it up online and here I am commenting. At the time we thought the building was going to collapse. It was a wild ride!


Wow, you seemed to have really experienced the explosion! Thank you for you comment and glad you found the blog post!

All the best,


I was an on duty assistant manager at a Vickers gas station in Loveland that morning. We could see the smoke column on the horizon from nearly 50 miles away. Listened to KOA radio all day.


Yes, I'm glad to read about this, so thanks, my Father was a big part of the clean up and repairs, He worked for Conoco for years, I remember this,we heard the blast and then the phone rang,they called him to come right away, a welder had started to weld on the tank when it blew up,


My beloved brother Rodney Morales was killed in that blast, we was welding on top of one of the tanks when it exploted! By the time he climbed down the ladder his body was 90% burned. He was flown to San Antonio Burn Center, where he later died. Everytime I pass by that area it brings such saddness. He left 3 children and his wife.


I remember an explosion to one of the tanks in the mid 80’s too, am I remembering something different? Please tell me that happened cause I remember it vividly!!

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