Who Was Denver's "Mullen"?



I have alot of record keeping and stuff about jk mullen owning the flour mills in denver most of it is like minutes for the meetings they held also old shares that were wrote out by john schultz and blank shares all original alot of stuff about milling in oklahoma territory would you like to read this stuff

Hi Susan,

DPL's Western History and Genealogy department holds two archival collections related to J. K. Mullen, including the John K. Mullen & Oscar Malo Collection (WH259) and the J.K. Mullen Foundation Records (WH1201). Both collections have finding aids (accessible through the links above), which are detailed guides to the collections include folder-level inventories. If you would like to view the collections, you're welcome to visit us during construction on the first floor of the Central Library, Sunday through Thursday, 1pm-5pm. If you have something specific you would like scanned and sent to you, please note the collection title, box number, and folder number and send the request in our contact form (https://history.denverlibrary.org/contact-us). We can scan and send up to 50 pages of archival material per customer.


Fabulous reading, many thanks. I am researching for a book on milling (we own a derelict water mill in Pembrokeshire, West Wales.) I have just aquired a "Millenium Flour" sign stating "won the 50G "miller" cup, English Hungarian sold only in cotton bags 7,12, 140lbs." Think it may date back 1899.
Also there was one of many shipwrecks: Szent Istvan on September 28th 1908 near us had 3,500 tons of flour. Austro-Hungarian origin.
Do you know if there are any links to Cardiff, Liverpool or London Victoria docks; Millenium Mills owned by W. Vernon and sons and J.K Mullen please?
My signs and coincidences are amazing me and I am really enjoying research!!
Many thanks,
A very hopeful CarolAnne


I believe my father was in the Mullen orphanage. Where can I get information on the children that were in Mullen when it was an orphanage?

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