Who Was Denver's "Mullen"?



Am interested to know if Mr Mullen had any interests in flour or bean elevators / warehouses in southwest Colorado - specifically Dove Creek. There is currently a bean elevator in Dove Creek that has in it's pedigree: Colorado Milling and Elevator Company. Did he have any association with either the Peak or Midland Brands of beans? Could he have had any business interests with a Mr. Owens or a Mr. Simpson from Colorado Springs?

I'm writing a piece on the bean industry.



The statement: "After Mullen's death, his daughters established the Mullen Home for Boys in his memory.." is a little bit deceiving. J.K. and Catherine started the project to open a home for orphaned boys, but both died before the project was completed. Their daughters (and husbands) completed the project....the home is now known as Mullen High School. Also, yes, J.K. and Catherine had 5 daughters, but you failed to mention that Anna died at the age of four....

Thank you for your comments, Katherine. The format of our blog posts calls for brevity and doesn't always allow for the capture of a story's interesting details. Comments like yours really add so much to the story. Thank you!


I am moving into a farmhouse, that is reputed to be a Mullen homestead.
The property is just north of Mullen High School.
The story is, the house and hundred year old barn ( which I saved despite a large fire)
sat at the center of a large dairy farm.
Love to know more about this history.

The address is 3425 S Knox Ct

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