1600 Logan St., Denver 80203
This three-story Neoclassical Revival style mansion was built for William Garrett and Mary Frances Fisher in 1896. Prior to his death in 1897, Fisher played an important role in Denver's commercial history through his association with the Daniels and Fisher Department Store. Designed by the Denver architectural firm of Frank E. Edbrooke, the walls of the flat roofed residence are of polished stone, with carved stone panels embellishing the third level. The south facade is dominated by a central two-story semicircular portico that is topped by a balustraded third floor balcony, and two carved stone lions guard the entry. Circa 1900, a one-story wing on the north was constructed for Fisher's widow, providing space for a ballroom and an art gallery. Architect David O.Tryba rehabilitated the house in 1999 for use as his office.